Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

Advanced technology for advanced care

In few areas of medicine have advances in technology made more of a life-saving difference than in cardiac care. TAVR is a less invasive treatment option for patients with severe aortic stenosis who are at higher risk for traditional surgical options. Previously considered unsuitable for surgery due to other cardiac conditions, previous surgery, the effects of radiation treatment, advanced age, or chronic health conditions, these patients now have additional options for valve replacement. Using a balloon threaded to the heart through a blood vessel, the diseased valve is pushed aside and replaced with a new valve, while the heart continues to beat, avoiding the need for cardiopulmonary bypass. The procedure offers a new lease on life for patients once considered untreatable. Although not all situations are suitable for for the TAVR approach, when appropriate it offers a number of advantages:

  • Shorter recovery time
  • Minimally invasive
  • Significantly less pain than open heart surgery
  • Shorter hospital stay than open heart surgery
  • Life-saving option for high risk patients

Start living. Heart healthy.

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Request More Information
Call (866) 823-1842 to speak with a Patient Service Advisor, or fill out the form and we’ll contact you soon.

By providing your details, you agree to receive communications such as annual appointment reminders, health education materials, event information, etc. from Adventist Health.

The Adventist Heart & Vascular Institute values your privacy and handles your personal information with care. Your contact information is secure, confidential and will not be sold to any third party sources.

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